Especially for Singaporean Muslims who wants to shatter the chains of riba through Halal Financial Planning.
Discover Little Known Strategies To Save Up, Accumulate and Grow Your Money The Shariah Compliant Way… Using Methods Some Of The Financial Consultants Out There Are Not Aware Of!

Do you know that many people are following the mistakes committed by Wall Street “Experts”, when managing their finance?
- Not only they lose money, (big money, I must say)… the methods,
they use are clearly not shariah compliant! (in case, you don’t know, shariah compliant means growing your money the halal way) - Yet somehow, someway, somewhat, these people are still in a way blinded when in fact they should open their eyes wide and avoid these costly mistakes like a plague.
If you are stuck in a financial rut, that is probably the reason why.
I can show you potentially how you grow your money, the right way, the shariah compliant way and at the same time, accelerate your wealth to achieve the lifestyle you have always desired.
Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah my Brothers And Sisters,
My name is Helmi Hakim.
Many of you might have known me as the financial consultant that helps Muslim families plan their finance, the shariah compliant way in Singapore.
Finance has always been in my blood since my schooling days. I graduated with a Diploma in Accountancy from Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Alhamdulillah…. I am also a Bronze Award recipient, for Bachelor Of Science, (Hons), Banking and Wealth Management, UK.
That makes me the top 3 graduates in a cohort of over 100 students, who are made up of industry professionals like bankers, financial planners, stock brokers and financial experts.
I studied Islamic Banking and Finance module during my degree and recently attained Islamic Finance Certification with Australia Islamic Finance Centre (AUCIF).
I am also regularly featured in the media.
- Featured in a show, “Demi Cinta”, in Suria to advice young couples to save up money for their wedding
- Featured in Today Newpaper, on managing expectations when saving up for Malay wedding
- Interviewed in Suria on MUIS fatwa on revocable nomination (estate planning for Muslims)
- Conducted “Healthy Wallet Workshop” for Cabaran Segar, a quit smoking campaign, organised by Health Promotion Board and NTUC Income Cooperative. I shared how smokers can accumulate $1 million dollars, just by them to quit smoking.
I am telling you all these not to impress you, but impress upon you that I have all the necessary qualifications, credentials with me, to help you plan your finance in a shariah compliant way in Singapore.
Before I go further, let me share with you something many young Muslim couples are complaining when they meet me to seek financial advice.
Before meeting Helmi Hakim, finance was a headache. Especially because I got married, moved into my new house and has a new born child. In Singapore, all these cost a lot of money and draining my cashflow massively.
But once I met Helmi, he helped me to go through my cashflow statement and reduce my outflow by 20%! That means, I have more money in my pocket at the end of every month and it relieves my financial burden significantly!
Thanks Helmi!
Harris Rahmat, Satisfied Client
Being an experienced investor, I know very well that investing to make money is important. Yet doing it the shariah compliant way is more important for Muslims like us.
So I did a Google search for “Takaful Singapore”. That’s where I stumbled upon Mr Helmi Hakim’s website and I met him.
Helmi is a very knowledgeable adviser. He shared with me practical Islamic finance concepts and shariah compliant investment strategies… something which are ‘on-top’ of whatever i had learnt online through the years.
The best part is that I can apply them in Singapore, as the strategies are catered for Singaporean Muslims.
With Helmi’s guidance, I feel confident, more assured, have lesser stress and better sleep!
I can now spend more time with my family. Gone are the days, where I spend countless nights of research, yet clueless if my investments are 100% shariah compliant!
Thank you Helmi!
Rauff Makaveli, Satisfied Client
My clients’ financial results are the exceptions. These are the happy endings. But the harsh truth, many of other young Muslim couples in Singapore are not happy at all.
Before that, I want to reward you with a super practical video
I have a sweet OFFER for you. Download “5 Shariah Compliant Ways To Save More Money In Singapore” for FREE.
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Here is a common scenario that many Muslim couples are facing.
Before marriage, everything was like a bed of roses. Young and in love. Ready to conquer the world.
You feel the world is at your feet and nothing can stop you. You have a lot of money to splurge and spend on, dining at fancy restaurants, buying expensive gifts for your love ones and enjoying life to the fullest.
But marriage is a reality checker. Once you get married, reality sets in. And reality, as we all know that reality is harsh and cruel.
All your expenses start to pile up. Housing loans, Nafkah for wife, renovations, a new born baby and some unseen financial commitments suddenly start to rush in. It never stops.
You begin to realise that your money in your bank account started to shrink in size… and Poof! The money suddenly disappear… into thin air… like magic.
How did that happen? How did you go from a happily ever after to a happily never after?
Life is a never ending circle of debts, bills and money. Is that a life worth living? Think back to the day you first get married. Compare it to today. The picture looks pretty different isn’t it?
And it’s not a pretty picture for most.
I assume you are earning $3,000 to $4000/month. After deducting your expenses, how much are you left with?
No matter you have savings or not, here is the difficult part that is causing you to bleed your money dry.
Answer: You probably do not know how to grow your money…
More importantly, you do not know how to grow your money the shariah compliant way in Singapore.
Here is something you might not know.
As Muslims, We’re Only Allowed To Invest In Shariah Compliant Financial Plans

The restrictions are as follows:
Riba, meaning payment or receipt of interests is strictly forbidden.
Allah S.W.T said in the glorious Quran, Surah Al Baqarah, Verse 275:
“Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest”
Maysir, meaning any form of gambling. And Gharar, meaning uncertainty. Both are not allowed.
As stated in Surah Al-Maeda, Verse 90:
“O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan’s handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.”
Unfortunately, as I mentioned above, many Muslims in Singapore are not even aware of this Shariah Compliant rule. They are not aware of what is halal and what is haram.
Most of you probably have a financial planner, but first of all, there are 2 things you need to consider.

Is your financial consultant a Muslim?
I am not trying to sound racist, it’s because if he is not a Muslim, he probably doesn’t know enough about shariah compliant strategies.
And unknowingly forcing you to commit a religious sin.

Is your financial planner trained in Islamic Finance?
You might think that, since your financial planner is a Muslim, he or she automatically knows what is shariah compliant and what is not.
Let me tell you this…. Not all Muslim financial planners in Singapore understand exactly how shariah compliant products work.
Many are totally clueless and unfamiliar on what makes the financial instruments shariah compliant or not.
You will be surprised that some of them won’t even heard before common but important Islamic Finance terms like Takaful, Mudarabah, Musyarakah and Ijarah.
Like I said, they are totally clueless.
Simply because they are not trained in Islamic Finance.
As a religious and devout Muslim, I am sure, you are concerned and vigilant on how you grow your money.
You should be concerned as to whom you outsource your financial planning.
You want, No… You need a financial consultant who is familiar with Islamic Finance in Singapore’s context. Because I am sure you want to save up, accumulate and grow your money the shariah compliant way. Right?
If that’s the case, I have the solution, you are looking for.
That is why I created this framework known as,
“Your Financial M.A.P. Model”
Using “Your Financial M.A.P Model”, you will realise how easily and effortlessly, you can save and grow your money the shariah compliant way.
You will also uncover blindspots that Wall Street professionals, financial “experts” of the highest eminence has committed.
You will also understand how your current loans work and uncover strategies how you can reduce, pay off your riba based loans gradually.
When that happens, you can look forward to a future built in financial bliss for you and your family. All the financial problems you have, financial problems you are currently facing now, you can throw them out of the window forever.
Without this “Your Financial M.A.P. Model” to guide you on you financially, you will likely be neck deep in financial worries. Everything you do will just be about survival, not about wealth creation.
You will probably spend the rest of your life solving problems, instead of creating the ideal, or your dream lifestyle that you and your family deserve.
And you don’t have to worry, if you have no financial education background at all.
Just follow the proven and powerful “Your Financial M.A.P. Model” and you will enjoy great results, just like the hundreds of our Muslim brothers and sisters.
The reason why “Your Financial M.A.P. Model” works is because it is simple and effective.
It is unique, specially catered for Muslims in Singapore.
And in fact, it is the only model in Singapore that ensures every single step, taken complies with shariah guidelines.
Avoid riba, maysir and gharar.
Every single step taken, is shariah compliant. Every. Single. One.
So if you like to see how I can customize “Your Financial M.A.P.” framework to cater to your individual situations and supercharge your wealth…
Sign up for “Your Financial M.A.P.” session and I will reveal the exact steps I take.
No holds barred.
Here’s a little sneak peek what “Your Financial M.A.P.” session will reveal
“Your Financial M.A.P. Model”– A Standard Step By Step Guide to Grow Your Money And Wipe Off All Your Loans With Riba, using Shariah Compliant Financial Strategies
Calculate your net worth in less than 10 mins, which allows you to fully understand your financial situation and create a master plan to get started on your journey to achieve the financial freedom you desire.
Bulletproof strategies on how you can increase your savings by 20%, even if you have not saved a single dollar before (It’s like having money growing from your pocket out of nowhere)
8 financial ratios that acts as a financial compass, giving you the direction to the oasis of financial promise land
A Quick way to save up money for emergencies. This will give you a peace of mind, rather than panicking and trying to scramble up money from nowhere. You know, you have a safety net to protect you 100%.
In terms of tangible value, “Your Financial M.A.P.” session is priceless. Because you simply cannot put a price on safe, secure yet powerful financial strategies.
This transcends beyond mere numbers.
So let me sum it up: If you’re serious about being planning your finance, the shariah compliant way, this session is priceless. ‘Nuff said.
Imagine the positive financial impact it can have on you, your family and your loved ones!
And the best part is, rather than asking you to pay an exorbitant amount, it’s 100% FREE!
You may be wondering why I’m doing this for free, when in fact, I can easily charge a high fee for this service.
And even that’s a bargain… because you stand to gain tremendous ROI just by implementing the simple but powerful strategies I propose.
So why offer this for free? It’s because I feel a certain sense of responsibility to share what I know and help as many our Muslim brothers and sisters as possible.
I have seen too many of us, struggling financially. Struggling to pay bills, not enough money to pay for milk powder for your baby, barely surviving, scraping through life.
As a seasoned financial consultant with tonnes of experiences under my belt, I find it an obligation to offer my hands of assistance and give back to our Muslim community. I see the small help I am giving as Fardu Kifayah.
We, Muslims should stand tall and proud, and the only way to do so, is we are able to empower ourselves financially, and shatter the chains of riba from our daily lives.
So, if you are serious in planning your finance, the shariah compliant way, sign up for “Your Financial M.A.P.” session now.
And also I have limited time a week. As you know, many of our Muslim brothers and sisters require help to invest in a shariah compliant manner.
Let me leave you with a final note.
Time is money. Money is time. So the longer you delay, the more time you lose. Which means, you lose more money as well.
So stop hesitating and start doing something to change your life.
To improve your finances and to grow your wealth massively, the shariah compliant way.
So, if you’re ready to wipe off all your loans with riba from your life …..
If you’re ready to grow your money the shariah compliant way…
If you’re ready to change your financial life for the better… register now!
Just click on one of those nice looking buttons located throughout the page, fill in some basic details, and we’re all set! Can’t wait to add lots of value to you at the “Your Financial M.A.P.” session.
Hope to see you soon!
To Your Future Financial Security,
Helmi Hakim, Financial Strategist
P.S. If you’re one of those who like to skip directly to the end (I do sometimes too), here’s a summary for you:
I am offering you my signature program, “Your Financial M.A.P.” session where I’ll reveal A Standard Step By Step Guide to Grow Your Money And Wipe Off All Your Loans With Riba, using Shariah Compliant Financial Strategies.
When armed with this framework, you can increase your savings by 20%, calculate your net worth in less than 10 mins, and create a master plan to get started your journey to achieve the financial freedom you desire.
P.P.S. Remember, “Your Financial M.A.P.” session comes with a special bonus. You will get an exclusive, personalised housing loan riba spreadsheet for FREE. (previously only available for paying customers and not available elsewhere).
P.P.P.S. If for whatever reason you’re still hesitating, STOP… and think about your current financial situation. If you’re not managing your money well, I can help you do so using Shariah Compliant strategies.
Picture yourself. Free from the chains of riba, enjoying life to the fullest and begin empowering your future financially, the shariah compliant way.
So, let’s do it together. Sign up now and help me to help you!